There are a couple factors that drive the cost of each transaction. The type of card is the first factor that determines the cost. The main types are a check card or debit card, a regular credit card, a rewards credit card, and a business or corporate card. The next factor that affects the price of the card is how the card is run. Cards that are swiped through a credit card machine are the cheapest. Cards that are typed in via a credit card machine or internet are higher risk and thus more expensive. Collecting the proper data on a keyed transaction can decrease the risk and keep the cost lower. A third factor that can affect the cost is batching. Visa rules require transactions to be batched or settled in a timely manner. If transactions are not settled for several days, the cost for those transactions increases. If a transaction is not batched for over a month, the authorization is no longer valid and the transaction would have to be rerun.